dinsdag 28 april 2015

Spanish tax authorities are looking for (partly) illegal homes! Source: deweek

MADRID – 11-2014
Pour nos amis Francophones

The Spanish tax authorities have deployed helicopters to scour the country for at homes where illegal extensions have been added. The purpose of the operation is to identify illegal appreciation of homes.

The Spanish land registry must be brought into line with reality. With special recording equipment the helicopters search for homes.. where illegal extensions are added.

They may be swimming pools, garages, sheds, patios or obturating roof terraces.
This  generally increases the property value and therefore  the owner should pay additional property taxes. Many home owners are negligent hence the Spanish municipalities miss out on  a lot of money that otherwise would enter in the form of property taxes (in Spanish aka 181).

So far the ' Hacienda ' helicopters covered approximately 1,000 municipalities, representing 12.5 percent of the total number of municipalities in Spain.
Initially large residential areas are checked, especially those along the Spanish coasts. When the detection squad pinpoints abuses a file is opened.

The relevant property owner will receive a letter and must immediately pay a fine of 60 euro for non-declaration of a structure. It is estimated that up to 2016 over 3 million households will have to pay this amount. That means the Spanish Government can cash 180 million euro extra.

This appreciation of the 181 results in an  surcharge for the owner, retroactively 4 years,  with added interest on top.

People against whom a procedure is opened have 15 days to lodge an objection against this opinion. When the tax office hears nothing, then it is assumed that the owner fully agrees with the judgment of the Spanish authorities.

Better be save then sorry – courtesy of El Premio

Autorités fiscales espagnoles recherchent (en partie) logements illégaux. Source: DeWeek

Madrid 11-2014

Les autorités fiscales espagnoles ont déployé des hélicoptères pour explorer le pays pour maisons où des choses illégales sont ajoutés. Le but de l'opération est d'identifier l’appréciation illégale des maisons. Ainsi le cadastre espagnol devrait être mise en conformité avec la réalité. Ils peuvent être piscines, garages, hangars, patios ou obturation terrasses sur le toit.

Avec un équipement spécial d'enregistrement des hélicoptères recherchent  les maisons .. où des choses illégales sont construites ou ajoutés.

Ces additifs ont généralement l’effet d'augmenter la valeur d'une propriété. Si c’est le cas, alors le propriétaire aurait eu payer plus de taxes foncières.

De nombreux propriétaires sont négligents  ainsi les municipalités espagnoles rattent beaucoup d'argent qui autrement entrerait sous la forme d'impôts fonciers (en espagnol connu comme le 181).

Initialement grandes zones résidentielles sont vérifiés, en particulier ceux le long des côtes espagnoles. Si les services d'enquête voient quelque chose non réglementée, ils ouvrons un fichier.

Le propriétaire de la propriété concernée recevra une lettre et doit immédiatement payer une amende de 60 euros pour non-déclaration d'une structure.

Jusqu'à présent, les hélicoptères de ”L’Hacienda” couvraient  environ 1 000 municipalités, représentant 12,5 pour cent du nombre total de municipalités en Espagne.

Il est estimé que jusqu'à 2016 plus de 3 millions de foyers doivent payer ce montant. Cela signifie que le gouvernement espagnol peut recueillir plus de 180 millions.

C'est juste le début pour le propriétaire. Par la valeur augmentée également le 181s’augmente et sera recueilli rétrospectivement de quatre ans.Ici, l'intérêt est ajouté.

Les gens contre lesquels s’ouvre une procédure ont 15 jours pour déposer une objection. Faute de quoi  alors on suppose que le propriétaire est entièrement d'accord avec l'opinion des autorités espagnoles.

Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir - gracieusement fournie par El Premio

Spaanse belastingdienst op zoek naar (deels) illegale woningen Bron: deweek

MADRID 11-2014

De Spaanse belastingdienst heeft helikopters ingezet om het land af te speuren naar woningen waar illegaal zaken aan zijn toegevoegd. Het doel van de omvangrijke operatie is illegale waardevermeerdering van woningen in kaart te brengen. Het Spaanse kadaster moet weer in overeenstemming worden gebracht met de werkelijkheid.

Het kan gaan om zwembaden, garages, schuurtjes, terrassen of dichtgemaakte dakterrassen.

Met speciale opname apparatuur wordt vanuit de helikopters gezocht naar woningen .. waar op illegale wijze zaken bij of aan zijn gebouwd.

Deze zaken hebben doorgaans tot gevolg dat de waarde van een woning vermeerdert. Als dat het geval is dan zou de eigenaar meer onroerendgoedbelasting moeten betalen.

Laten veel woningeigenaren dit na, dan lopen de Spaanse gemeenten veel geld mis die anders in de vorm van onroerendgoedbelasting (in het Spaans 181) binnen zou komen.

In eerste instantie worden grote urbanisaties gecontroleerd, met name die langs de Spaanse kusten. Zien de mensen van de opsporingsdienst iets wat niet lijkt te kloppen, dan wordt een zaak geopend.

De betreffende woningeigenaar krijgt een brief en moet direct een boete van 60 euro betalen wegens het niet aangeven van een constructie.

Tot nu toe vlogen de helikopters van 'Hacienda' al boven circa 1.000 gemeenten, wat neerkomt op 12,5 procent van het totale aantal gemeenten in Spanje.

Men schat dat tot 2016 ruim 3 miljoen - huishoudens dit bedrag moeten gaan betalen. Dat betekent dus dat de Spaanse overheid 180 miljoen euro extra kan innen.

Daarmee is het voor de eigenaar nog niet gedaan. De door de waardestijging ook gestegen 181 zal met terugwerkende kracht van vier jaar worden geïnd. Daar bovenop wordt een rente gerekend.

Mensen tegen wie een procedure wordt geopend hebben 15 dagen om bezwaar hiertegen aan te tekenen. Hoort de belastingdienst niets, dan gaat men er van uit dat de eigenaar volledig instemt met het oordeel van de Spaanse autoriteiten.

Voorkomen is beter dan genezen – vriendelijk aangeboden door El Premio

zaterdag 11 april 2015

Interview with Francis Scheirs Managing Partner of El Premio

I interviewed Francis on his remarkable views on the housing industry particularly in Spain.

Francis tell us who you are and why you are in Spain of all places?

"Well, as many things in live all come at the right time and for me it was a serious health issue that triggered the switch. My earlier business life was all about running around the world, living a 7/365 product sales man rat race successfully, forgetting that the human framework has his limits. Coming out to Spain made me realize the only two options I had, and I chose the right and only one I guess."

Housing industry is far from Product Sales, why choose that avenue?

"You know, dealing with people and discover what makes them tick, especially when they are looking for a house, is quite enticing. What always surprises me is the irreversible proportionality of a house purchase e.g. going for the lowest price and expecting the highest material quality and a worriless transfer. This is forgetting all about the ever dominating rule of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). At the end of what seems a low cost project,  when adding all effort, time and cost together, it will almost always result in exceeding any reasonable priced all in residence with a service."

Now you make me curious, "with a service",  what do you mean?

A customer recently said that "El Premio sells dreams, and it does not feel like being sold to. The all-in approach is what differentiates you from the overcrowded standardized real estate jungle going for the sellers interest."

Let me explain what brought on this exclamation: El Premio will assist the buyer during and after any purchase, small or large, with all possible services, from applying for a mortgage, where needed, to painting or decoration and anything in between. It will save much energy, time and money.

See, to find the desired property in your own country is often a challenge, can you imagine how hard it must be in a country with different habits, laws, let alone language. An ownership abroad requires adjustment, confidence and organizational skills. Once one moves in, it is important to be able to jumpstart the new experience in ones mother tongue and find amenities where they understand you and reply in your own language, at least for the first couple of purchases.

What triggers the process?

Before going on a wild goose chase in dragging the buyer throughout the Costas it boils down to mapping the wants and needs. This allows for a benchmark between the buyers preselected internet properties and budget with carefully El Premio selected alternatives. And guess what: 9 out of 10 the latter is signed for.

How come?

We work according our unique 9 step plan especially designed to discover and find the expected property. This is a joint responsibility of the buyer and the intermediary, resulting in a TCO purchase far below the predefined budget + the hidden costs incurred. I live and work according but one adage: Spend No More. That is a peculiar statement for any sales person, but it happens to be true. When I see an opportunity for improvement I point it out to the customers. When they follow my advise in helping many clients they spend no more.

Why Spain?

To use a paraphrase: Daring architecture; amazing regional diversity; sophisticated cities; postcard beaches; fantastic weather; a sleepy countryside festooned with citrus and olive groves; delicious seafood, potato tortilla, tapas, and paella, delectable sangria, and choice Rioja wine, all of this is Spain.

But remember: if youve only seen the Costas in Spain, then you cant even imagine what youve been missing of the real España in the rest of the country.

Economically in a roller coaster today I can see little signs of hesitant recovery in my industry as prices are slightly moving up. But it is not a walk in the park yet, though the effect on performance punctuality has set in as our subcontractors are starting on time and work through to the finish.

In concluding what is your best advice?

Let us take care of the hassle and the worries. We do not sell property, we help you to purchase the desired property. Use our platform and live your dream!

Thank you Francis for this positive note in troublesome times.
Coordinates www.elpremio.es

This is a contribution of The Interviewer by Paul Van den Brande