maandag 12 oktober 2015

Spain's 35 'most attractive towns' stage open days By: pienso Espagna , Monday, October 5, 2015

A TOTAL of 35 municipalities in Spain celebrated National Most Attractive Town Day this week, opening museums, parks and monuments to the public free of charge and milking their tourism highlights for all they were worth.Run by the Asociación de Pueblos Más Bonitos de España('Most Attractive Towns in Spain Association'), the nationwide 'open day' was aimed at putting the country's undeniably unique and charming but underrated areas on the map, encouraging visitors from elsewhere in Spain and abroad to check them out, and calling for the Spanish tourist board, Turespaña – also known in English as Tour Spain – to promote them more.

The '35 most attractive' varied dramatically from each other in location, landscape, climate and salient points for visitors – some are already fairly well-known in their own regions, especially among regular foreign and national tourists and many expats, whilst others are practically unheard-of not only to holidaymakers from other countries, but even those from just a province away.

Better-known towns and villages in the top 35 include the whitewashed hilltop town of Mojácar, in the province of Almería on the south coast – although now a hotspot for holiday resorts, the town itself retains its rural and ancient charm – and Santillana del Mar in the northern coastal region of Cantabria, a quaint, cobbled village overflowing with the typically continental-style flower-filled balconies, and known as the 'town of three lies': it is neither holy (santa), nor flat (llana), nor does it have a sea (mar), but it is nonetheless a pretty, charming little town with plenty of authentic souvenir shops selling local delicacies.Rubielos de Mora in the province of Teruel, southern Aragón is fairly well-known by skiing fans, given that it is very close to the slopes and home to small, rural hotels which offer rooms for those hitting the piste and, like many ancient, remote hamlets in Teruel, keeps working huskies for the snowy season; Albarracín, deep in the mountains of Teruel, is a splendid photo opportunity because of its dramatic rocky mountain formations.

The Comunidad Valenciana is replete with 'Most Attractive Towns in Spain' – Morella, deep inland with its ancient fortresses, the more famous coastal holiday destination of Peñíscola with its iconic castle, and the quaint village of Vilafamès (second photograph) – all in the province of Castellón - and in the province of Alicante, the much-frequented Guadalest: a cobbled hamlet high on a mountain overlooking a huge, blue reservoir in vast, verdant landscape, filled with craft shops, ancient houses and small museums, the most-lauded of which is the 'miniatures museum' where visitors can see paintings on flies' wings and fleas riding bicycles, is a popular day trip for residents and holidaymakers on the Costa Blanca or further inland.

Other towns and villages listed include Pampaneira (Granada province), Lucainena de las Torres (Almería province), Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz province) and Frigiliana (Málaga province) in Andalucía; Valderrobres, Calaceite, Puertomingalvo (third photograph), Cantavieja (all in Teruel province), Anento (Zaragoza province), Aínsa, Alquézar and Ansó (Huesca province), in Aragón; Maderuelo, Pedraza, Ayllón (Segovia province, first photograph), Frías (Burgos province), Urueña (Valladolid province), Medinaceli (Soria province), La Alberca, Mogarraz and Candelario (Salamanca province), in Castilla y León; Valverde de los Arroyos (Guadalajara province), Alcalá de Júcar (Albacete province) and Almagro (Ciudad Real province) in Castilla-La Mancha; Bárcena Mayor in Cantabria; Tejeda (Gran Canaria) in the Canary Islands, and Llastres in Asturias.

The  -team expects you in Alicante province, Costa Blanca North

After seven years of stagnation the property market in Spain is experiencing an uptick in sales and prices have reached bottom, according to a new analysis report.

With the Spanish economy improving, unemployment falling, tax revenue growing and a more stable banking system, lending figures are on the rise

The typical mortgage lending rate dropped from 4.21% to 3.29% over the course of 2014 and this has fed through to buyer confidence. Andalucía and the Canary Islands have seen some of the strongest surges in mortgage lending, up 25% and 26% respectively month on month, compared to the national average of 14.2%.

This renewed confidence and interest in Spanish real estate is most evident in Madrid and Barcelona where capital flows into both cities’ commercial markets topped €2.7 billion in 2014.

The return of large US investment funds has been notable but not just in Spain’s main cities. ‘The acquisition of Sotogrande by US based Cerberus and developments to the east and west of Marbella by other US funds, as well as the purchase of Monte Mayor golf club by Russian investors hint at the extent to which the recovery is gaining traction,’ it says.

Marbella, a popular area with overseas buyers is building on a property market recovery that began in 2013 despite Spanish buyers failing to return in any significant number in 2014 and the Ukraine crisis impacting on the number of Russian buyers.

There was strong demand from an increasingly diversified client base of Scandinavian, Benelux, French, Arabian and Moroccan buyers which added to the record tourist numbers lending a certain buoyancy to the local economy.

Marbella and its surrounding municipalities of Estepona and Benahavis together recorded a 27.7% increase in property sales in 2014 compared with a year earlier.

Marbella, however, outperformed its neighbours, by experiencing an 89% jump in property sales between 2008 and 2014 according to Spain’s Ministry of Public Works. Benahavis and Estepona, by comparison, recorded rises of 62.3% and 22.8% respectively over the same period.

The amount of time properties spend on the market is dropping if realistically priced, while in some prime beachfront locations there is even a shortage of available homes, complete with waiting lists for specific property types.

Source: LinkedIn Pulse

Maison Située à Benissa Costa, à proximité de Moraira - sous construction.

Réf. V 7204-3  a partir de € 475.000 + + Frais d’achat.

Voici 6 villas modernes sous construction, le premier est presque terminé. (il y a 5 types différents). Soyez vite et vous avez le meilleur choix. La livraison est max. douze mois après l'achat. Besoins de précisions, juste crier.

Si vous désirez plus d'informations de quelles sont les possibilités, donnez-nous un appel.

Si vous souhaitez changer vos critères de recherche/développer, s'il vous plaît laissez-le-nous savoir.

Important : Toutes les démarches administratives, nous faisons a l’ interne.  Vous serez toujours accompagné dans votre langue, également après l'achat, nous restons a la disponibilité du propriétaire. Nous garantissons que la maison est entièrement conforme avec la loi espagnole. Tous les travaux de rénovation & réparation que nous faisons sous propre r é gie.

Nous espérons vous voir bientôt.  Avec un salut amical,
L’équipe El Premio

Francis Scheirs (El Premio)                         Mobile            0034 674 86 07 97
Avenida Mediterraneo 204, 2° 1                    Skype             elpremio1
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Prov. Alicante     España.                               Website:

zondag 11 oktober 2015

De Belg en zijn Spaans vakantieverblijf….

Tijdens de eerste helft van dit jaar hebben 1.539 Belgen in Spanje een tweede verblijf gekocht. Dat betekent een stijging met 3,3 procent tegenover dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van de Registradores de Espana, waar de vastgoedtransacties moeten worden geregistreerd. Tegenover drie jaar geleden is er zelfs sprake van een toename met 91 procent.

De grootste buitenlandse klanten voor Spaans vastgoed vormen de Britten, gevolgd door de Fransen en de Duitsers. Daarna komen de Belgen. Nochtans is het Spaans vastgoed gevoelig duurder geworden, maar de interesse blijft. Voor het hele jaar verwacht men dat de verkoop van Spaans vastgoed aan Belgen met 7 procent zal stijgen.

Uit cijfers van de Belgische een vastgoedgroep , gespecialiseerd in Spaanse immobiliën, blijkt dat vooral de grote metropolen Madrid en Barcelona kopers aantrekken, samen met toeristische centra zoals Alicante aan de Costa Blanca of Malaga aan de Costa del Sol.
In een interview  met de krant De Tijd merkt deze op dat de tijd van het goedkope Spaanse vastgoed nochtans voorbij is. Na de financiële crisis op het einde van het voorbije decennium, kende in Spanje ook de immobiliënmarkt een zware dalperiode, waardoor vastgoed in het land bijzonder goedkoop kon worden gekocht.


Op dit ogenblik betalen klanten voor een Spaanse vakantiewoning  opnieuw gemiddeld 225.000 euro betalen, tegenover 170.000 euro drie jaar geleden. Tijdens de eerste helft van dit jaar werd een gemiddelde prijsverhoging met 5,1 procent opgetekend.
Kopers van een Spaanse vakantiewoning zoeken echter geen rendement, maar streven vooral naar levenskwaliteit voor zichzelf en voor familie en vrienden. De Belgische eigenaars ruilen vooral bij het begin van de herfst hun woning in eigen land in voor het Spaanse vakantieverblijf.
Inmiddels zouden al ongeveer 30.000 Belgen in Spanje eigenaar zijn van een woning. Frankrijk geniet echter met 55.000 woningen de grootste populariteit.

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